Implementing a Custom call() Method in JavaScript

The call() method in JavaScript allows you to invoke a function with a specific this value and individual arguments. It is one of the fundamental methods for controlling the execution context of functions in JavaScript.

Let’s implement a custom version of the call() method.

What is call()?

The call() method is used to invoke a function, explicitly specifying the this value and passing in arguments one by one. This is especially useful in cases where you want to call a method of one object on another object.

Real Interview Insights

Interviewers might ask you to:

  • Implement a function that mimics the behavior of JavaScript’s built-in call() method.
  • Ensure that the function handles different types of arguments correctly.
  • Make sure the function properly changes the this context.

Implementing customCall Function

Here’s how you can implement a custom call() function:

Function.prototype.customCall = function(context, ...args) {
  // If context is null or undefined, default it to the global object (window in browsers)
  context = context || globalThis;
  // Create a unique property on the context to avoid overwriting existing properties
  const fnSymbol = Symbol();
  context[fnSymbol] = this;
  // Call the function with the provided arguments
  const result = context[fnSymbol](...args);
  // Remove the temporary property from the context
  delete context[fnSymbol];
  return result;
  • Setting the Context: We first ensure that if the context is null or undefined, it defaults to the global object (globalThis). This mimics the behavior of JavaScript’s call() method.
  • Temporary Property: We assign the function (using this) to a unique property on the context object. This is done using Symbol() to avoid name collisions.
  • Function Invocation: We then invoke the function with the provided arguments using the ...args spread operator.
  • Clean-Up: After the function call, we remove the temporary property from the context object to avoid side effects.

Practical Examples

Let's see the customCall function in action:

function greet(greeting, punctuation) {
  return `${greeting}, ${}${punctuation}`;
const person = { name: 'Alice' };
// Using the custom call method
console.log(greet.customCall(person, 'Hello', '!')); // Output: "Hello, Alice!"
// Another example with different context
const person2 = { name: 'Bob' };
console.log(greet.customCall(person2, 'Hi', '.')); // Output: "Hi, Bob."

Handling Edge Cases

  1. Primitive this Values: When this is set to a primitive value (like a number or string), it should be automatically converted to an object (e.g., Number or String object).
  2. Functions without Arguments: Ensure that the implementation works correctly even when no arguments are passed.
  3. Null and Undefined Contexts: If the context is null or undefined, it should default to the global object.

Use Cases for call()

  1. Reusing Functions: Invoke a function with a different this value, allowing one function to be used by multiple objects.
  2. Inheritance: Call a parent object's method on a child object.
  3. Event Handlers: Set the context in event handlers or callbacks.