Implementing a Custom apply() Method in JavaScript

The apply() method in JavaScript is similar to call(), but instead of passing arguments individually, you pass them as an array. This method is useful when you want to invoke a function with a given this context and an array of arguments.

Let’s implement a custom version of the apply() method.

What is apply()?

The apply() method is used to invoke a function with a specified this value and arguments provided as an array (or array-like object). This is especially useful when the number of arguments is dynamic or when you already have an array of arguments.

Real Interview Insights

Interviewers might ask you to:

  • Implement a function that mimics the behavior of JavaScript’s built-in apply() method.
  • Ensure that the function handles different types of arguments and contexts correctly.
  • Handle cases where the arguments array might be null or undefined.

Implementing customApply Function

Here’s how you can implement a custom apply() function:

Function.prototype.customApply = function(context, argsArray) {
  // If context is null or undefined, default it to the global object (window in browsers)
  context = context || globalThis;
  // Create a unique property on the context to avoid overwriting existing properties
  const fnSymbol = Symbol();
  context[fnSymbol] = this;
  // Handle the case where argsArray might be null or undefined
  const result = argsArray ? context[fnSymbol](...argsArray) : context[fnSymbol]();
  // Remove the temporary property from the context
  delete context[fnSymbol];
  return result;
  • Setting the Context: We first check if the context is null or undefined and default it to the global object (globalThis). This mimics the behavior of JavaScript’s apply() method.
  • Temporary Property: We assign the function (using this) to a unique property on the context object. The use of Symbol() ensures that we avoid property name collisions.
  • Function Invocation: We then invoke the function with the provided arguments using the spread operator ...argsArray. If argsArray is null or undefined, we call the function without any arguments.
  • Clean-Up: After the function call, we remove the temporary property from the context object to avoid side effects.

Practical Examples

Let's see the customApply function in action:

function introduce(greeting, punctuation) {
  return `${greeting}, my name is ${}${punctuation}`;
const person = { name: 'Alice' };
// Using the custom apply method
console.log(introduce.customApply(person, ['Hello', '!'])); // Output: "Hello, my name is Alice!"
// Another example with different context and arguments
const person2 = { name: 'Bob' };
console.log(introduce.customApply(person2, ['Hi', '.'])); // Output: "Hi, my name is Bob."

Handling Edge Cases

  1. Primitive this Values: When this is set to a primitive value (like a number or string), JavaScript automatically converts it to an object (e.g., Number or String object).
  2. Empty or null Arguments Array: Ensure that the implementation handles cases where the argsArray is null, undefined, or an empty array.
  3. Non-Array Arguments: Although apply() typically expects an array, your implementation should handle cases where a non-array is passed (e.g., array-like objects).

Use Cases for apply()

  1. Variable Arguments: Useful when the number of arguments is unknown or comes in an array.
  2. Reusing Functions: Invoke a function with a different this value, making one function reusable across different objects.
  3. Function Proxies: Useful in scenarios where functions are dynamically created or called.


Implementing a custom apply() method in JavaScript provides a deeper understanding of function invocation patterns and the power of controlling execution context. This knowledge is vital for mastering function execution and improving flexibility in code design.

Stay tuned for the next episode in our JavaScript Interview Series, where we'll explore another essential topic to help you ace your interviews!

This blog post dives into the implementation of a custom apply() method in JavaScript, including practical examples, edge case handling, and explanations to help readers grasp the concept and apply it effectively in real-world scenarios.

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