How to use ternary conditional operator in Python?

The ternary conditional operator is a compact way to perform branching on the result of a boolean expression. The syntax is:

condition ? true-branch : false-branch

The result of the condition is first evaluated. If it evaluates to true, then the true-branch is executed and if it evaluates to false, then the false-branch is executed.

Ternary conditional operator is used to check the value of a condition, evaluate it and perform some action if it's true. In Python, ternary conditional operator can be used with if statement, else statement and for loop. Here is an example of using ternary conditional operator in Python:

if x == 'yes' : print( 'true' ) else: print( 'false' ) for i in range(10): if i == 6: print(i) else: print(i+1) 

The above code will print all numbers from 1 to 10. If any number is equal to 6 then we will print the number and if any number is not equal to 6 then we will print the next number in the range or wait for next iteration of loop and print that number too.

In Python, you can use the ternary conditional operator to write a condition that may be true or false. Here is an example:

if condition1:


elif condition2:




This is a ternary conditional operator, which is not a statement. It's a way to structure your code so that it can be more readable.

Let's say you have a function that returns the sum of two numbers:

def add(a, b): return a + b

You can use the ternary conditional operator to make this code more readable:

add(1, 2) if 1 > 2 else 3

This makes it clear that the result is either 1 or 3, depending on whether 1 is greater than 2 or not. You didn't have to write any additional code or change your function at all!

The ternary conditional operator is used to return a value from a condition. For example: if x > 0 then print(x) else print("not a number")

The ternary conditional operator is written as:

condition ? result_1 : result_2

where condition is the expression that will be evaluated, and result_1 and result_2 are the values that will be returned if the expression evaluates to true or false respectively.

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