Truth Check using Javascript
Check if the predicate (second argument) is truthy on all elements of a collection (first argument).
Note: You can access object properties through either
dot notation or [] notation.
Example 1:
Input: first argument = [{name: 'Pete', onBoat: true },
{ name: 'Repeat', onBoat: true },
{ name: 'FastFoward', onBoat: null }]
second argument = 'onBoat'
Output: false
Explanation: One of Array item contains a null value which is falsy.
Iterate over the Array using Array.prototype.every() and check for each elements if its return true using [] bracket notation to access the property of object.
Solution using Javascript:
function truthCheck(collection, predicate) {
return collection.every((item) => item[predicate] && Boolean(item[predicate]));
Test Cases
describe('truthCheck', () => {
test('should return the correct boolean', () => {
user: 'Tinky-Winky',
sex: 'male',
}, {
user: 'Dipsy',
sex: 'male',
}, {
user: 'Laa-Laa',
sex: 'female',
}, {
user: 'Po',
sex: 'female',
}], 'sex')).toBe(true);
user: 'Tinky-Winky',
sex: 'male',
}, {
user: 'Dipsy',
}, {
user: 'Laa-Laa',
sex: 'female',
}, {
user: 'Po',
sex: 'female',
}], 'sex')).toBe(false);
user: 'Tinky-Winky',
sex: 'male',
age: 0,
}, {
user: 'Dipsy',
sex: 'male',
age: 3,
}, {
user: 'Laa-Laa',
sex: 'female',
age: 5,
}, {
user: 'Po',
sex: 'female',
age: 4,
}], 'age')).toBe(false);
name: 'Pete',
onBoat: true,
}, {
name: 'Repeat',
onBoat: true,
}, {
name: 'FastFoward',
onBoat: null,
}], 'onBoat')).toBe(false);
name: 'Pete',
onBoat: true,
}, {
name: 'Repeat',
onBoat: true,
alias: 'Repete',
}, {
name: 'FastFoward',
onBoat: true,
}], 'onBoat')).toBe(true);
single: 'yes',
}], 'single')).toBe(true);
single: '',
}, {
single: 'double',
}], 'single')).toBe(false);