Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers for Senior Software Engineers at Infosys

As a Senior Software Engineer at Infosys, you will be expected to have a broad knowledge of software development, system design, and team leadership. The interview questions are typically centered around problem-solving, design, scalability, performance, and leadership. Below are 10 common interview questions for senior-level candidates, along with their answers.

1. Design a Scalable URL Shortener


Design a URL shortener service like How would you design it for high scalability and performance?


A scalable URL shortener must be able to handle large volumes of traffic and maintain high availability.


  1. API Layer: Expose REST APIs to generate and retrieve shortened URLs.
  2. Database: Use a NoSQL database like DynamoDB or Cassandra for fast writes and horizontal scaling. For small-scale, a relational database like PostgreSQL can be used.
  3. Short URL Generation: Use a Base62 encoding scheme to generate short codes from a hash of the URL or incrementing unique IDs.
  4. Caching: Use Redis or Memcached to cache frequently accessed URLs to reduce database load.
  5. Collision Handling: Ensure the short code is unique by checking the database before inserting a new code.
  6. Scaling: Utilize a microservices architecture with Kubernetes for container orchestration and load balancing to distribute requests efficiently.

2. Explain Microservices Architecture and Its Challenges


What is microservices architecture, and what are some common challenges you face while working with it?


Microservices architecture involves breaking down a large application into smaller, independent services that communicate via APIs. Each service typically manages a specific business domain.


  1. Service Communication: Ensuring that services can reliably communicate, often using REST, gRPC, or message queues.
  2. Data Consistency: In a distributed environment, ensuring data consistency can be difficult. Solutions include eventual consistency and patterns like saga and CQRS.
  3. Service Discovery: Services need to dynamically discover each other in a distributed environment. Tools like Eureka or Consul handle service discovery.
  4. Failure Management: Handling network failures or service downtimes using circuit breakers and retry mechanisms (e.g., Hystrix).
  5. Monitoring: Managing logs and metrics for services using Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK stack.

3. How Would You Ensure Code Quality in a Large Team?


How do you ensure high-quality code when working with a large development team?


  1. Code Reviews: Conduct regular peer reviews to catch bugs early and ensure adherence to coding standards.
  2. Automated Testing: Use unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to catch issues during development. Implement continuous integration (CI) to run tests on every commit.
  3. Static Code Analysis: Use tools like SonarQube, ESLint, or Checkstyle to enforce code quality and detect potential issues.
  4. Coding Standards: Define and enforce coding standards (naming conventions, code structure, etc.) across the team.
  5. Documentation: Maintain good documentation for both code and design to make it easy for new developers to understand the system.
  6. Refactoring: Regularly refactor the codebase to improve readability and maintainability.

4. How Do You Approach Designing Distributed Systems?


How would you design a distributed system? What are the key factors you need to consider?


When designing a distributed system, key factors include scalability, reliability, and fault tolerance.

  1. Define System Requirements: Understand the system's scale, load, and latency requirements.
  2. Data Consistency: Decide on the level of consistency required (strong consistency vs. eventual consistency).
  3. Partitioning: Use sharding or partitioning to distribute data across multiple servers to handle high traffic and data growth.
  4. Fault Tolerance: Use techniques like replication, auto-scaling, and circuit breakers to handle node failures gracefully.
  5. Load Balancing: Use load balancers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances.
  6. Monitoring and Logging: Implement centralized logging (e.g., ELK stack) and monitoring (e.g., Prometheus) to track system health.
  7. Security: Implement proper authentication, authorization, and encryption at all levels.

5. Explain the CAP Theorem and Its Relevance


What is the CAP theorem, and how does it affect the design of distributed systems?


The CAP Theorem states that a distributed system can provide at most two out of the following three guarantees:

  1. Consistency: Every read gets the most recent write.
  2. Availability: Every request will receive a response (either success or failure).
  3. Partition Tolerance: The system will continue to function despite network partitions.


  • CP (Consistency + Partition Tolerance): Systems like HBase focus on consistency, sacrificing availability.
  • AP (Availability + Partition Tolerance): Systems like Cassandra focus on availability, sacrificing consistency in the event of network partitioning.
  • CA (Consistency + Availability): These systems cannot tolerate partitions, which limits their applicability in distributed systems.

6. How Do You Handle Performance Bottlenecks in Production Systems?


How would you approach diagnosing and resolving performance bottlenecks in a production system?


  1. Monitor the System: Use tools like New Relic, Prometheus, or Grafana to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like response time, CPU usage, and memory usage.
  2. Profile the Code: Use profiling tools like JProfiler or Xdebug to identify inefficient code paths.
  3. Database Optimization: Identify slow SQL queries and optimize them using indexing, query optimization, and database sharding.
  4. Caching: Implement caching mechanisms like Redis or Memcached to reduce the load on databases for frequently accessed data.
  5. Horizontal Scaling: Scale the application horizontally by adding more servers or instances to distribute the load.
  6. Load Balancing: Use load balancers to evenly distribute traffic across servers to avoid overloading any single instance.

7. How Do You Handle Versioning in APIs?


How would you handle API versioning in a microservices-based architecture?


  1. URI Versioning: Include the version number in the URL (e.g., /api/v1/resource).
  2. Header Versioning: Use HTTP headers to specify the API version, like Accept: application/vnd.myapi.v1+json.
  3. Query Parameter Versioning: Specify the version as a query parameter (e.g., /api/resource?version=1).
  4. Backward Compatibility: Maintain backward compatibility to prevent breaking existing clients. Deprecate old versions gradually.
  5. Semantic Versioning: Use semantic versioning (major.minor.patch) to indicate changes in the API (breaking changes in major versions, new features in minor versions).
  6. Version Deprecation: Provide clear deprecation timelines and migration paths to users.

8. What is Event-Driven Architecture and How Would You Implement It?


Explain event-driven architecture and how would you implement it for a system that needs to handle high volumes of data and real-time processing?


Event-driven architecture is a design pattern where events trigger actions in a system. It’s highly scalable and suitable for real-time data processing.

  1. Components:
    • Event Producers: Components that generate events (e.g., a user action, sensor data, etc.).
    • Event Consumers: Services that listen for events and react to them (e.g., data processing, notifications).
    • Event Bus/Message Broker: A system like Kafka, RabbitMQ, or AWS SNS/SQS that handles the flow of events between producers and consumers.
  2. Real-time Processing: Use Apache Kafka for streaming events in real time and Apache Flink or Apache Storm for processing the events in real time.
  3. Scalability: Ensure that both producers and consumers can scale independently. Use partitioning in the message broker to handle high volumes.
  4. Error Handling: Implement retry logic and dead-letter queues to manage failures in event processing.
  5. Eventual Consistency: Ensure that different services remain eventually consistent after processing events.

9. How Do You Manage Technical Debt in Large Projects?


As a senior engineer, how would you handle and reduce technical debt in a large software project?


  1. Identify Technical Debt: Regularly perform code reviews and use static analysis tools to identify areas of the code that need refactoring or improvement.
  2. Prioritize Debt: Categorize technical debt into critical (affecting functionality) and non-critical (affecting performance or maintainability). Focus on critical areas first.

Refactoring: Set aside time during sprints for refactoring and cleaning up legacy code. 4. Test Coverage: Increase test coverage to catch bugs early and improve maintainability. 5. Documentation: Ensure that new features and architectural decisions are well-documented to avoid rework in the future. 6. Automation: Automate as much as possible (e.g., CI/CD pipelines, automated tests) to reduce manual effort and errors.

10. How Would You Handle a Conflict in Your Development Team?


Describe how you would handle a situation where there’s a disagreement between two developers regarding the implementation of a feature.


  1. Understand Both Sides: Listen to both developers’ perspectives to understand their reasons for the different approaches.
  2. Discuss Trade-offs: Evaluate the pros and cons of each approach based on factors like performance, maintainability, scalability, and complexity.
  3. Collaborate on a Solution: Encourage collaboration between the developers to come up with a combined solution or find a middle ground.
  4. Consult Team Lead/Architect: If necessary, consult with a technical lead or architect to make a final decision.
  5. Document Decisions: Once a decision is made, document the reasoning behind it so that everyone is on the same page moving forward.

Practice Makes Perfect

By familiarizing yourself with common interview questions and sharpening your answers, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges and impress the interviewers with your in-depth knowledge. Want to dive deeper? Check out these specific questions asked in Infosys Senior Software Engineer interviews:

Infosys Interview Questions

This link will take you to a collection of questions that will help you refine your skills and confidently showcase your qualifications for the role.

Additionally, here are some areas to focus on during your preparation:

  • Technical Depth: Be ready for in-depth discussions on your core programming language and frameworks, along with related technologies.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Demonstrate your ability to approach and break down complex problems, then propose efficient solutions.
  • System Design: Showcase your understanding of designing scalable and secure software systems.
  • Teamwork and Leadership: Highlight your experience in collaborating effectively within a team environment and your ability to motivate and guide others.

By preparing these aspects, you'll be well on your way to securing your dream role at Infosys!

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